Our Facilities

Our Facilities

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Semper velit curae etiam justo iaculis potenti suspendisse scelerisque. Aliquam morbi dictumst mollis sem facilisi tempor hac consectetur leo nec ultricies.

Senior Care 1

Doctors Visit


Nursing Care

Checkup 7


activities 1

On Call Attendant

swarnavihar old age care

BIPOP (NIV) / Oxygen / Suction

Senior Care tips

Nasal Feeding / PEG Feeding






X Ray / Blood tests


Food and Beverages


Housekeeping Services


Recreational activities

Doctor's Visit

Doctors make an important contribution to the management and leadership of health care services. 

The primary role of our doctors is for the care and safety of Residents. Our Qualified and Experienced doctors examine the residents, review their medical history, diagnose illnesses, administer treatment and counsel the residents to maintain and improve the quality of life. Our doctors contribute to discussions and decisions about improving the quality of services and outcomes.

Nursing Care

Our qualified Nurses and Attendants are the Backbone of Swarnavihar. Our nurses helps our residents to manage physical needs, prevent illness, and treat health conditions. They perform the following activities @ Swarnavcihar Retirement Homes.


Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. In Swarnavihar Our Physiotherapists help to people affected by injury, illness or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education and advice. They maintain health of elderly people, helping Residents to manage pain and prevent disease. Physiotherapy helps to encourage development and facilitate recovery, enabling people to stay in work while helping them remain independent for as long as possible. Physios use their knowledge and skills to improve a range of conditions associated with different systems of the body, such as:

On Call Attendant

Our Trained and experienced care givers provides Resident daily Care, resident comfort, safety and Resident health needs. Our care takers assist to elderly and bedridden people while performing the following All Daily Living Activities ( ADL ).

BIPOP (NIV) / Oxygen / Suction

A BPAP is a form of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) therapy used to facilitate breathing. The machine pressurizes the air to a higher level than the air in the room, and so it helps a person to take in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. This helps them to breathe more easily, either while sleeping or when experiencing a flare-up of symptoms. Bi Pap / Oxygen / Suction therapies are available for those who are suffering with COPD, Other respiratory and neurological diseases cause difficulty in breathing under strict supervision of qualified doctors and Nurses.

Nasal Feeding / PEG Feeding

RT feed is a nursing procedure to provide nutrition to those people who are either unable to obtain nutrition by mouth or are not in a state to swallow the food safely. In Swarnavihar Retirement Homes RT feeding is given to the patients who are in an unconscious state, or incapable of mouth feeding due to some disease. The most common conditions wanting RT Feed as a necessity include:


We are collaborated with Reputed pharmacies and Diagnostic centres to get their services @ Swarnavihar Retirement Homes itself.


Ambulances services are available to respond to Medical Emergencies immediately.

X Ray / Blood tests

Remote blood collection and mobile x rays promote safety of our residents and helpful to lead hassle free life.


Our staff is responsible for Laundry services ( washing and drying ) of our Residents regularly to maintain hygiene.

Food and Beverages

Nutritional food is an imperative aspect of quality of life for residents living in Asssisted Living Facilities. As people age requirements changes, whereas good diet and different activities help to prevent health problems and play important role in aging as well.

In Swarnavihar we aim to provide variety of food includes wide range of nutrients the body needs to remain healthy and function properly. We ensure there is good amount of nutrition everyday to keep going body processes and protect from ill health.

Housekeeping Services

Keeping Rooms, Common areas clean with regular housekeeping services is healthy for elderly residents, Visitors and staff. Housekeeping services play an essential role in the health of all Residents.

Recreational activities

The quality of an old age home is defined not only by the accommodation it provides but also by the opportunities it offers to be active, to be mentally and physically stimulated and engaged.

We used to conduct the following daily structured daily activities that will be helpful to improve the Quality of Life.

Indoor Games:

Spending time and playing boarding with other elderly persons is also a stress boaster.

Mental Exercises:

Senior citizens should be encouraged to take part in mind games. They should solve puzzles like crosswords, and sudoku. These are very beneficial for exercising the mind. It also prevents from the serious old age ailments like Alzheimer‘s disease.

Physical Exercises:

In Swarnavihar Different forms exercise are now being practiced which are a great form of relaxation apart from helping physical and mental fitness.


Meditation is aimed at achieving the union with supreme consciousness. However, it helps to achieve physical as well as mental fitness.

Other Activities:

Other Recreational activities include ( Drawing , Painting and Musical activity etc ) provides high fitness levels, improved health and social interactions.